Monday, November 06, 2006

Day 2. 7th October Saturday

Warm and cloudless. It was going to be a beautiful day. Nice. Woke up at 9:15a.m. Got ready to go out to the Oktoberfest. Had toast, jam and tea for breakfast. Aunt Kathy's friend, Teresa, had to pick us up as our hostess had to leave early in order to set up her costume jewellery stall at the festival early. We arrived at the fair and saw many other stalls already up and going, selling their wares, costume jewellery and cute handicrafts.
Shared a meal of Pork-knuckle and Hotdog with Mum and Godma. Helped to man Aunt Kathy's stall while she had her lunch. (You see, I was the first to finish my lunch, thus I was free.) Aunt Kathy gave me a beaded bracelet! :)

Watched a traditional German dance where the dancers were dressed in their traditional clothes. It was very interesting yet amusing.

We 3 left for the local shopping centre, Mid Valley, after that. Aunt Kathy's cousin, Jane, offered to send us there as Teresa's car was very much caught in between a tree and another car. And so, her car was stuck. Mid Valley is a middle-size shopping centre that happen to have 2 supermarkets and 2 departmental store. We spent 3 hours there, walking around and looking at things. I did not spend any money but will do so tomorrow. Got to buy birthday presents for 4 guys, and a kangaroo among others for another boy and souvenirs for 3 girls. Must start thinking about Christmas.

I am now sitting here on the bed, waiting for dinner to be ready. Clam chowder and potato salad. Yummy. Mum bought some chocs while Godma bought alot. Not surprised.